Who’s Who

Deepak Chhabra


Deepak Chhabra (PhD) is an associate professor in the School of Community Resources and Development at Arizona State University (ASU), USA. She also holds the position of Senior Sustainability Scientist, in the Global Institute of Sustainability and serves as the School Senator for the University Academic Council, Arizona State University.

She has published more than fifty articles in top tier tourism journals. Her work provides a multidisciplinary perspective on contemporary issues associated with sustainable use of leisure and tourism resources.

Deepak Chhabra has identified crucial factors that promote socio/cultural and economic equity and capital of both the visiting and visited communities. She has also applied different theories of authenticity to amass cultural capital and advance the sustainable use of heritage as manifested in traditional handicrafts, historic sites, and museums.

Additionally, her work has examined the notion of economic equity by determining visitor expenditures and sustained economic benefits of parks/nature-based and cultural/heritage tourism and gambling tourism for destination communities, as well as for local and state governments. This includes calculating multiplier effects and assessment of net economic benefits by factoring in socio-economic costs.

Her current research also focuses on spiritual tourism and alternative healing systems.

Deepak Chhhabra serves on the editorial board of several tourism journals.